A Halloween birthday & the trauma behind it.

This isn’t a post I wanted to make. I still don’t. But it needs to come out, so I’ll be making it as short as possible.

My great little man had his 15 birthday yesterday. I am very proud of my son, despite all the shit he’s had to deal with for being an Aspie, he’s taking it into stride, and he isn’t giving up. He is growing up to be a kind, generous and rather optimistic man, and I am and will always be there to support him and help him and guide him and protect him to the best of my ability and for as long as I live, and he knows this, because I tell him often enough.

So, I should be happy, right?


I am happy for my son, but…

Well, the fact of the matter is, for fifteen years, each October 30th I start reliving major trauma that ends when Halloween ends.

My pregnancy was in itself fine, but I spent it isolated, without friends or family, with the sole company of a man who had only pity, disregard and disgust for me (as I came to find out later) and who was also cheating on me with a minor (that also surfaced later). When asked later why did he lie to me when I had asked him if he wanted the baby, his reply was “Because I wanted to have a nine month shagathon (for the non-brits out there shag=fuck)”.

I also spent the majority of it, from the middle of 3rd month to the 8th, in a construction site, because my partner thought this was the best of timing to remodel the entire bungalow. In essence, I spent more time with the builders and roofers and tilers than I did with my partner during my pregnancy, and they weren’t kind people either, they always saw me as the fucking foreign cunt who tricked the pure Englishman (let’s laugh, his ancestors were pikeys) into having a child with her, and they didn’t stop short of showing that contempt daily. The house was a mess, it was always full of dust, I couldn’t eat anywhere clean, I couldn’t go to the toilet without having to clean and bleach it every time, and towards the 7th month this started becoming increasingly difficult. There was this one Geordie roofer who would go to take his morning shit at ours, and he always took explosive and very smelly shits. The entire lavatory was full of tiny specs of shit, every morning, that I had to clean out. Yes, I did complain, yes, everyone, including my partner laughed and dismissed me.

In any case, fast forward to when I’m due. It gets to a being a week late. My mother had flown in by that time, so at least I had her, but eventually, when I needed her most, nobody told her anything, and when she found out, she wasn’t allowed to come in.

I gave birth in Harrogate District Hospital, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, 28 hours after the pains started, 28 hours writhing in agony, puking my guts out, with my partner, Edd, by my side who hated me and the entire process more than anything and wanted to leave. If he could, he would have, but he wasn’t about to give my mother the satisfaction of being there for me. They tried everything, and after 28 hours of pushing, they brought a doctor in, who, told me to push some more, while he decided to cut something down there. Sadly, though, because of all the pushing the arteries and veins down there were distended, and as he cut me open, he cut into an artery and that was a proper Halloween scene. Blood gushing all over the doctor, the nurses, the back wall, me losing my senses slowly, they took the baby out and threw him at me like a baseball, and I remember telling my partner that I didn’t want to die. And then I lost track. Turns out I almost lost all viable blood as well, half a liter more and my son would be an orphan today, so they stitched me up in a hurry and got me on tubes with intravenous everything: blood, glucose, water, the whole jazz. I had two IVs, one on each hand, two tubes coming out of each. I needed personal attendance, but as my partner was a cheapskate and didn’t want to pay for a private room, I was left in the common room where nobody could come to see me, or help me, with all these tubes on me, stitches in my bleeding private parts and, the best of it all, a baby crib too far away from the bed.

You forgot about the baby eh? So did they. They cleaned him, wrapped him up, and placed him face up in a plastic crib that was out of reach to me. The nurses weren’t very comforting, as a matter of fact they were rather hostile, it seems me inconveniently bleeding all over the birthing room had cramped their moods something wicked, so I was left all alone for that first night.

I take pride into my being a very strong woman, and I’ve been though a lot. Rape, neglect, abuse, bullying, the works. I’ve survived and cut through the lot. But that night I failed. My strength left me, just like my partner who was nowhere to be found (later on I found out he was sexting the minor). I asked the nurses if they could please tell me mother to come in, they flat out and very rudely refused saying this was a common ward and they couldn’t have people in there. I told them maybe they could make an exception seeing the condition I was in, they didn’t care. Rules are rules, I could die in a ditch for all they cared. So, there I was, in pain, intubated, bleeding, unable to sleep from the shock and fear, with a baby I couldn’t reach, who…

… started choking. As he was laying there, I started hearing a gurgling that didn’t seem very natural to me. I heaved myself to sitting position and I saw the baby choking on the amniotic fluid from his lungs sipping down his cheeks. I couldn’t reach the crib, I was desperate that my baby would die, so, I did the only thing I could think of, I got up. I felt my stitches tear, and I took a step and reached the crib, and pushed the baby onto his side. He immediately puked out all the amniotic fluid out, and with a very audible intake of air he started breathing again, so much so that it drenched the entire bed-sheet he was lying on and the nurse that came in later had to grudgingly change it, stupid baby how dare he choke on her watch.

Anyway, we survived.

And despite all the rest that came after, him fucking his minor girlfriend in the living room while I was bleeding from labor in the bedroom, the lies and deceit, and how for a few years thereafter, the both of them had this habit of sending me black-ribboned funeral cards to wish him a happy deathdate, and despite the ridicule and humiliation and the nightmares I had for years, these were lesser things, to that main event.

That main event that is supposed to be the happiest day of my son’s life, to be celebrated, and everyone should be happy for it. And all it does is remind me how I almost died, how I almost lost my baby, and I can’t cry, I can’t be sad, I can’t acknowledge my stress and fear each year to anyone, because what kind of a mother would I be, to make this all about me, right? So, for fifteen years, I have had to hide in bathrooms weeping in a towel so as not to be heard, and put on a brave happy face, and not look people in the eyes for fear they’ll see the sheer panic in mine.

It does soften with time, but it’s never gone away. Each year, I fear for my son’s life, as if I were back there, back then, that very night. As he leaves for school, for coaching school, for whatever, I fear for his life on that day most of all. And I fear for mine. And the helplessness all comes rushing back in, as if I was still there tied and intubated and powerless.

I am happy for my son. Honest, I am. And on Saturday he’ll have his friends over and I’ll bake him a birthday cake, and cook stuff for the kids to eat, and put up Halloween birthday decorations, and this year, I chose to do all those things one week later, so that these two horrible days would be gone. And maybe, this year, I get to feel properly happy for once. Who knows.

He truly is a proper Halloween child. He came in through death and terror. But I am the one who needs to conquer them to move on…

There, it’s out now. You can all go ahead and judge me now, tell me to put my big girl pants on and not be selfish and make this all about myself, and all that jazz. Honestly, I don’t care. Might even be better if someone said it, so I have someone to yell at, at full speed. So, by all means, go ahead. Judge me. Gods know I have, for so long.

Mob justice is injustice

A short post originally meant for my page in Facebook.

When do we draw the line between a lawful concern of threatened violence and a witch-hunt?

I mean, for done deals, the law is pretty straight-forward: you’ve committed the crime, you’re going to face the circumstances. But in the case of doxing, bullying, threatening, online stalking, when does it stop being just hot air and starts becoming a credible potential for violence? All countries have completely different rules about such things happening, and now, such things happening online, and so-called “mob justice” isn’t the solution, by far.

Mob justice was what almost completely destroyed the life and career of Pablo C. Vergara Filmmaker/Actor/Activist aka Morbid, for example, when he was falsely accused by “well-meaning” internet sleuths for the murder of a schizophrenic girl who was later revealed to have committed suicide. But by then, Morbid’s life had been driven down the drain, his name dragged in the dirt, he had attempted to commit suicide himself, the impact to his interpersonal relationships was immense, his music career went in the bog, and in the end, after he was completely legally exonerated, he didn’t even get to have an apology from all these “well-meaning” witch hunters, who thought that OK since he didn’t do it, then no harm no foul.

So, where do we draw the line? Oftentimes I get personal messages about this or the other person, from well-meaning internet friends who are alarmed by certain statements, threatening, abusive, racist, sexist, etc etc, all credible, if, and only if, we presume that said statements are imminently going to be backed by action. But, here’s the point: how do we know these statements are imminently going to be backed by action? The people who do, if they actually do, would be much better served by informing the police and all other relevant services (for children, women, animals, etc), than creating an online hunter mob who is comprised of people who more than likely have zero knowledge of both the situation as well as the law, and also have great emotional bias and are more than liable to make an error of judgement.

Yes, many people are creeps, and potentially quite dangerous. But modern society shouldn’t devolve into Frankensteinian torch-and-pitchfork yielding witch burning times. Despite their obvious disadvantages, the police and lawyers are still the people most capable of handling such things.

Especially given the manner by which rumours tend to spread and get completely out of hand through social media, with simple normal people not having Kardashian level funds to employ legal teams to quell them, I am personally extremely reluctant into backing any such form of mob justice.

Pablo, in the featured image, teaches a lesson: Let us be better than them. I choose to trust the man in the death metal mask.

Please support Pablo in his collaboration with the Sophie Lancaster foundation against cyber bullying and hate crimes, by visiting this post below.

Περί ανθρώπινης ανωριμότητας

Αυτό εδώ είναι μια πολύ μικρή ανάρτηση που έκανα στο Facebook, την μεταφέρω ατόφια, for posterity.

Καλημέρα σε όλους.

Πριν από κανα μήνα δύο είχα μια συζήτηση περί βιοτεχνολογίας της οποίας η κατάληξη ήταν να με λοιδορήσουν οι συνομιλητές μου ως θεωρίζουσα συνομωσιών και υπερβολλική που βλέπω σκιώδη κίνητρα παντού, όταν εγώ είπα πως πρέπει επειγόντως να τσιμεντώσουμε τους διεθνείς κανόνες περί ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και να αρχίσουμε να διαμορφώνουμε επίσης κανόνες βιοτεχνολογικών δικαιωμάτων και βιοηθικής γιατί πολύ σύντομα και θα έχουμε AI με ξεχωριστή προσωπικότητα

(και όποιος ασχοληθεί έστω και λίγο να συγκρίνει τις MIDJOURNEY, DALL-E & STABLE DIFFUSSION θα δει αμέσως πως η κάθε μηχανή έχει ήδη την δικιά της “προσωπικότητα”, π.χ. https://petapixel.com/…/ai-image-generators-compared…/ ),

αλλά και, επειδή η κλωνοποίηση τελικά είναι μάλλον ελάχιστα προσοδοφόρα, αλλά πλέον ποιός την χέζει γιατί έχουμε τα stem cells (το νεο quantum) είναι επείγον το να θέσουμε άβατους κανόνες και νόμους βιοηθικής για να προστατευτούν τα πλάσματα δημιουργίες των βιοτεχνολόγων. Κάπου εκεί έπεσε το γέλιο και έλα μωρέ και πολύ scifi βλέπεις κλπ. Και χθες το βράδυ διαβάζω αυτό εδώ:

Παρακαλώ να δώσετε μεγάλη προσοχή για να πετύχετε την μια μικρή προτασούλα μέσα σε όοοοοοολο αυτό που μας λέει πως είναι μεγάλη ανακάλυψη και θα βοηθήσει τις γυναίκες καθορίζοντας ποιές κυήσεις είναι βιώσιμες και γιατί κάποιες δεν είναι, κάπου εκεί μέσα έχει και το “In addition, the results could be used to guide the repair and development of synthetic human organs for transplantation.” Προσοχή στο synthetic human organs και στο transplantation.

Και επειδή εγώ ΠΡΟΦΑΝΩΣ ΡΕ ΠΑΙΔΙ ΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΙΚΑΙΟΛΟΓΗΤΑ ΠΑΝΤΕΛΩΣ βλέπω μια νέα μαύρη αγορά να δημιουργείται στο εγγύς μέλλον όπου βιοτεχνολόγοι θα κυοφορούν παιδιά με συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά (ευγονική κάτσε στον πάγκο) και συγκεκριμένο DNA, ομάδα αίματος κλπ, σε γυάλες για να κάνουν harvesting τα όργανά τους μετά, επιμένω, και ας γελάτε και ας μην ακούει κανείς: ΧΡΕΙΑΖΟΜΑΣΤΕ ΝΟΜΟΥΣ ΠΟΥ ΝΑ ΔΙΕΠΟΥΝ ΤΗΝ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΒΙΟΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΑ, αλλά τι κάθομαι και λέω εδώ καλά καλά δεν μπορούν να κουλαντρίσουν το ιντερνετς και γίνεται ο κακός χαμός με το σε ποιά χώρα έγινε το harassment και τι νόμους έχει εκεί…

Κάποιος πρέπει να έρθει και να μας σταματήσει από το να κάνουμε άλλες βιοτεχνολογικές “ανακαλύψεις”, μιλάω σοβαρά τώρα, η ανθρωπότητα δεν είναι ακόμα ώριμη αρκετά για να διαχειριστεί τις επιπτώσεις της τεχνολογίας της…

Θα το βγάλω αυτό εδώ και στο blog μου έτσι για να έχω να λεω I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!!!

Η Επικράτηση της Παράνοιας

My foreign friends and followers, please turn on translation from Greek. It won’t be exact, but you’ll get the 80% of the meaning.

Εδώ και πάρα πολύ καιρό νιώθω απομονωμένη. Όχι επειδή έμεινα κλεισμένη στο σπίτι μου για δυόμιση, τώρα, χρόνια και ο ρημαδοκόβιντ μου ξέσκισε και κουρέλιασε ότι ψήγμα πλέον είχε απομείνει από την ζωή μου, όχι. Αυτό τουλάχιστον έχει μια λογική σειρά. Αλλά επειδή τριγύρω μου βλέπω να εξαπλώνεται ένας κόσμος που δεν αναγνωρίζω πλέον.

Όχι, δεν γέρασα ακόμα τόσο ώστε να μην μπορώ να έχω επαφή με την πραγματικότητα, ούτε και η Πολλαπλή Σκλήρυνση με έχει αφήσει μισότρελη και ξεμωραμένη. Έχω καταλήξει, τελικά, πως, δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς, αλλά ζω σε μια εναλλακτική πραγματικότητα, μας ψεκάζουν σίγουρα, και ζούμε σε εικονικό περιβάλλον. Δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς. Ειλικρινά.

Διάβαζα χθες πως στο TikTok μένεται το Blackout Challenge, σε νεαρές ηλικίες. Μερικοί γονείς έκαναν και μυνήσεις πλέον, αλλά αφού πέθαναν τα παιδιά τους. Εν ολίγοις το blackout challenge είναι ο αυτοστραγγαλισμός σε βίντεο για να γίνει viral. Και τρία παιδάκια πέθαναν. 8, 9 και 10 ετών. Ναι. Αυτοστραγγαλίζοντας, με την κάμερα να γράφει, για να πάρουν likes.

Διάβαζα επίσης πως έχει επικρατήσει πλέον στο TikTok και Instagram η τάση στους νέους να αυτοδιαγνώνουν ψυχικές ασθένειες.

Kramer said the conditions teens are diagnosing themselves with include borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar, dissociative identity disorder, and many more.

Και παρά το γεγονός πως οι ψυχίατροι κροουν των κώδωνα, όλα καλά στο βασίλειο των προοδευτικών γονιών, αρκεί να μπορεί το παιδί τους να ταυτοποιείται ως τρανς και να επιτρέπεται να γίνονται drag queen παραστάσεις στα σχολεία.





Τις οποίες δεν θέλουν καν οι ίδιοι οι drag queens. Αλλά, ας μην γινόμαστε πικρόχολοι, #BeKind όπως κατηγορούν οι TRA ακτιβιστές όποιον τολμήσει και αρθρώσει πως υπάρχουν μόνο δύο βιολογικά φύλα στους ανθρώπους, πράγμα που ονομάζεται και φυλετικός δυμορφισμός. Αλλά όχι, εμείς ΟΛΟΙ, άντρες και γυναίκες, αχ συγνώμη, ξεχάστηκα, όχι γυναίκες, γιατί κανείς πλέον, ούτε καν η εκκλησία της Αγγλίας, δεν ξέρει τι είναι γυναίκα, αντί αυτού οι σωστοί όροι είναι womb carriers, vuvla owners, και birthing bodies (να δω ρε φιλελεύθερα καθήκια που μας το παίζετε και αριστεροί, πότε θα μας έρθει η αηδία αυτή στην Ελλάδα και με τι μούτρα θα αποκαλείτε τις μανάδες σας φορείς μήτρας, ιδιοκτήτες αιδίου και γεννητικά σώματα), όλοι εμείς λοιπόν οι ιδιοκτήτες αιδίου και όλοι οι άντρες, είμαστε τρελοί, TERFs και ομοφοβικοί, υποστηρίζοντας πως δεν είναι δυνατόν να εθελοτυφλούμε μπροστά στην επιστήμη και στην βιολογία.

Αλλά δεν πειράζει, γιατί, στην τελική, τι είναι λίγο λιγότερα γυναικεία δικαιώματα μπροστά στην περιεκτικότητα; (και η μαλακία περιεκτικότητα έχει, αλλά δεν παύει να είναι μαλακία)

Και μου λέει ο άλλος “τι σε νοιάζει εσένα, αυτά συμβαίνουν έξω”, σωστά, τι με νοιάζει εμένα βρε αδερφέ τι συμβαίνει στο εξωτερικό;

Τι με νοιάζει κι αν πεθαίνουν παιδάκια λόγω των κοινωνικών δικτύων στο εξωτερικό; Δεν είναι ότι έχουμε τα ίδια κοινωνικά δίκτυα εδώ ε; (Ηλίθιοι).

Τι με νοιάζει και αν, για άλλη μια φορά, καταπατώνται τα γυναικεία δικαιώματα στο εξωτερικό; Εμείς οι Έλληνες ζούμε σε μιά κατ’εξοχήν φεμινιστική και υποστηρικτική κοινωνία για τις γυναίκες. (Πανηλίθιοι)

Εγώ στην Ελλάδα ζω, ελληνίδα είμαι, με τα της Ελλάδος την παράνοια πρέπει να ασχοληθώ. ΟΚ, λοιπόν, να ασχοληθώ.

Διάβασα λοιπόν, για να έρθουμε και στα περ’ημών, πως, ο γνωστός σκηνοθέτης, παρά την καταδίκη του των 12 ετών για τον βιασμό 2 ανηλίκων, αποφυλακίστηκε δίνοντας το ποσό των €30.000. Δηλαδή ψύχουλα για κάποιον σαν τον Λιγνάδη, που έχει το μισό, τουλάχιστον, σύστημα στην τσέπη του.

Διαβάζω επίσης για τις φετινές φωτιές εδώ στον επίγειο παράδεισο τον οποίο όλοι οι ξένοι ζηλεύουν, που σιγά μωρέ πως κάνουμε έτσι, καμιά γιαγιά θα έβαλε πάλι το γκαζάκι, κανας παπούς θα έκαψε πάλι τίποτα φύλλα στην αυλή του, ουφ πια, μας κουράσατε όλοι οι τρομολάγνοι, δεν μας αφήνετε ούτε μια παραλία να χαρούμε πια! Δεν πειράζει που καίγεται, κυριολεκτικά, το βρακί μας, είναι καλοκαίρι και Ο ΈΛΛΗΝΑΣ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΑΕΙ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ! Τέλος. Νομοτελειακή βάση του σύμπαντος αυτή.

Άσχετα που έχει καταρρεύσει πλέον ολόκληρο το ΕΣΥ λόγω της κακοδιαχείρισης του κόβιντ, αλλά τζιζ κακά, μην βγει κανένας γιατρός ή νοσοκόμος το πει κανείς αυτό, πρέπει να είναι πολιτευόμενος. Και, φυσικά, ως εκ τούτου λαμβάνουν χώρα οι γνωστές πεφωτισμένες συζητήσεις σε όλα τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα. Να, αυτά είναι που ζηλεύουν οι ξένοι…

Και μέσα σε όλα αυτά βρίσκομαι κι εγώ που προσπαθώ να καταλάβω πως είναι δυνατόν να έχει παρανοήσει, τελικά, το σύμπαν; Πως είναι δυνατόν να έρχονται τα πάνω κάτω, να γίνεται το λιοντάρι λαγός και ο λαγός λιοντάρι, να βρισκόμαστε να ζούμε σε μια χώρα που περιβάλλεται από εχθρούς πανέξυπνους και ετοιμοπόλεμους, να καίγεται συνθέμελα για μια δεκαετία και βάλε πλέον συνεχόμενα, να αφήνεται στο έλεος του θεού το σύστημα υγείας, να ξεκοκκαλιάζεται η δημόσια παιδεία με νομοσχέδια και τρύπες που ανοίγονται εν μία νυκτί, να απαγάγωνται νεαρά κορίτσια για κυκλώματα πορνείας συνεχώς με τις ευλογίες, ουσιαστικά αν όχι και παντελώς κυριολεκτικά, της αστυνομίας (δεν αναφέρω πηγή, πρόκειται για έρευνα κοινωνιολόγου που γίνεται αυτή τη στιγμή, αναμένετε στο ακουστικό σας για το χαστούκι όταν θα βγει), και ενώ οι διορισμοί των παπάδων αυξάνονται και αφρατεύουν, οι διορισμοί γιατρών και νοσηλευτών είναι μηδενικοί, και, επειδή δεν ταιριάζουν με το γενικότερο φενγκ-σούι της πρωθυπουργικής οικίας, οι υπό αναστολή υγειονομικοί κατέληξαν τελικά στα μπουντρούμα της Αλεξάδάνδρας, και όλα καλά όμως, γιατί ήρθαν οι Αμερικάνοι και έφαγαν 7.000 αυγά στην Αλεξανδρούπολη και έκαναν και τατουάζ μαζί (κελ τεριφίκ), οπότε όλα καλά και ανθηρά στην χώρα των εύδοξων προγόνων μας που για να τους τιμήσουμε φωταγωγούμε το απαύγασμα και μαργαριτάρι του (νεο)Ελληνικού πολιτισμού λαμπρώς!

Μην με παρεξηγείτε, δεν κατηγορώ ανθρώπους, δεν παρεξηγώ καταστάσεις. Έχει γίνει πλέον το μυαλό μου χυλός, μια από την Π.Σ, μια από τη ζέστη, μια απο την αυπνία, μια από την αγαμία, μια που έχω να βγω από το σπίτι μου οικοιωθελώς τουλάχιστον εξάμηνο. Εγώ απλά παρατηρώ και, ειλικρινά, δεν αναγνωρίζω τον κόσμο στον οποίο ζω. Μεγαλώνοντας μας έλεγαν πως ο κόσμος έχει μια λογική την οποία έπρεπε να μάθουμε για να μπορούμε να ζούμε σαν άνθρωποι στο κοινωνικό σύνολο και όχι σαν στη ζούγκλα. Τώρα πια η ίδια η κοινωνία είναι η ζούγκλα, και έχει κανόνες που, εγώ τουλάχιστον, δεν διδάχθηκα ποτέ.

Και επειδή είμαι gamer, και όλα, τελικά, περιστρέφονται γύρω από αυτό στη ζωή μου, κάποτε παίζαμε παιχνίδια για να βγούμε από την πραγματικότητα. Τώρα πια παίζουμε παιχνίδια για να την βρούμε.

Article image copyrighted to The Rise Of Insanity.

ΥΓ: Τι tags να βάλω γαμώ το φελέκι μου;

There, and back here again.

It’s been a long time, and before that, it had been an even longer time still. Those of you who are here from the past know that I’ve deleted years of articles.

The sad truth is, it doesn’t really matter.

I’ve never apparently been able to express my sorrow properly. None of what came before managed to capture it. And nobody that came before managed to care, even the slightest.

So, it doesn’t matter at all.

But here I am again, because I have a weight in my heart and my soul and it isn’t going away. I need to write it down. Not that it’s the only one, not by far, but right at this very minute it is what burdens me the most, and what needs to get out.

On the subject of recurring dreams, we have a lot to say, another time. For now, it’s one dream that messes me up, exposes me, weakens me, shows my soft and pathetic underbelly to the world. I had a dream on that trope again today. But this time, it wasn’t just one of them, it was several of them all together. Several of my exes, with Duco being the prominent one this time. Happy with their new partners, having, naturally, moved on, sitting in pairs around a table, and me, peaking through the door from another room, a cold, dark, dusty, old room.

Yes, that’s what messes me up. After all the abuse they meted, after all the damage they did, they get to be rewarded with happy families and happy lives. A reward for being abusive, indifferent, mean, spiteful, hateful. While I, just get to stand there trying to pick up my pieces once again, no happy ever after for me, oh no, never one for me.



Abused, and then discarded like a used tissue paper, never a second thought to be given to. Oh, but if only that was the case… At least the narcissist was honest in that aspect, honest of intent – he didn’t look back. He had the decency to know the lunch is over, and move on to some more fertile prey.

But them, no. The exes. They keep coming back. Again and again and again. To gloat? Perhaps. To ask forgiveness? It’s happened, but not in the grateful and humble way. Nick J. came back for me to forgive him, so he could go on happily and guilt free knowing that it hadn’t really been a big deal for me, since I forgave him after all… He thought I was his confessionary and if he said a light hearted, shallow “I’m sorry” his sins would be redeemed. And he acted like it too. He had the audacity of playing friend, calling me to regale his relationship with his perfect blighted wife, and reproach me as to why I was being heartless towards Nick P., another ex, who befriended those of my friends he could and separated me from those he couldn’t, who “also loves you and cares for you”. Also. Loves. Cares. The audacity. The gall. Using words that neither of them ever felt for me, not even a little. Because if they had, they would have shown some respect, some dignity and would have shut the fuck up, and recognized that “this woman needs her revenge”, like Budd in Kill Bill.

And then George. He disappears for years, then comes back like a wrecking ball, levels everything in his wake and disappears again. No, I can’t fight it. I can’t protect myself from it. No amount of no-contact works. He always finds a way. Last time he begged me (but didn’t say what for… to meet? to… what? I was never told) while my heart was bleeding inside and out and all I could manage to do was tell him I wanted no more contact. Wrecking ball. It’s been three years now. Still bleeds.

And I won’t even mention my son’s father… it took me years to stop having nightmares about him.

And now, the new dream, with the new protagonist, Duco. The fat useless incel I chose as my last redeeming chance for a normal life. In my dream he was one of them, happy with his new partner, but came out, to pester me, to bother me, to bully me, to egg me on. To show me that while he had moved on and thus he was a better person than I, I was the wicked one, still stuck trying to pick up my broken pieces from all over the god-damn mother-fucking time continuum. To reproach me, with a hint of “I could take you back, if you insist”.

Why does my inner self hate me so much? Why does it torture me with these imageries? What does it matter anyway, it’s not as if there’s anything I can do. Any justice I can have, any apologies to hear. Why can’t it just let them be and let me move on, in whatever mangled and pathetic capacity I can, anyway?

And why does God reward them and punish me? Reward the users and abusers, and punish me, kick me while I’m down… over and over and over again… He really is the God of men, isn’t he. What a tragedy to realize that even God hates you for who you are.

Don’t get fucking evangelical on me. Neither do I need your pity. All I have ever wanted was respect – and some honest feeling. All I get is pity and humiliation. So, don’t.

It fucking hurts too much for me to put up with any more. Far too much. Impossibly almost.

That’s it for now. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never. So, see you when I see you.

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